ISDA – FOA letter on the difficulties which could be implied by possible overlaps and inconsistencies between REMIT, MAD and MiFID


Sent by email to: Mr. Olivier Onidi (DG Energy), Mr Hugo Bassi (Head of Unit “Securities Markets”, DG Internal Market); Mr Gábor Butor, Barnabás Dezséri, Gáspár Molnár (Financial attachés of Hungary to the EU); Mrs. Anna Lekston, Counsellor “Budget and Finance Section” PL, Mr. Robert Ko?akowski, Financial Attaché of Poland to the EU, Mr. Tomasz Krawczyk, First Secretary “Budget and Finance Section” PL.

Documents (1) for ISDA – FOA letter on the difficulties which could be implied by possible overlaps and inconsistencies between REMIT, MAD and MiFID