Board resolutions and other documents for Indian onshore derivative transactions 

(published August 27, 2012)

(a) Board resolutions for Generic Derivative Products only – no executed ISDA Master Agreement

(b) Board resolutions for Generic and Structured Derivative Products – no executed ISDA Master Agreement

(c) Board resolutions for Generic Derivative Products only – with executed ISDA Master Agreement

(d) Board resolutions for Generic and Structured Derivative Products – with executed ISDA Master Agreement

(e) Indicative Term-Sheet for Derivative Products

(f) Final Term-Sheet for Derivative Products

(g) Example of a Final Term-Sheet for a Participating Forward

(h) Generic Risk Disclosure Statement for Derivative Products

(i) MTM Valuation Disclaimer

The templates take into account the requirements specified in the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”)’s Comprehensive Guidelines on Derivatives issued on April 20, 2007 as most recently amended on November 2, 2011. The templates do not take into account any other requirements, for example, it does not take into account RBI’s Comprehensive Guidelines on OTC Foreign Exchange Derivatives and Overseas Hedging of Commodity Price and Freight Risks issued on December 28, 2010 as most recently amended on December 15, 2011. The Indian onshore derivatives market is a regulated market and participants should ensure that they are familiar with the guidelines of the RBI and all other relevant regulations before transacting.

Free downloads for Board resolutions and other documents for Indian onshore derivative transactions  (9)