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Restricted Delivery Party Additional Provisions
Restricted Delivery Party Additional Provisions
(published June 25, 2013 for 2003 Definitions and October 22, 2015 for 2014 Definitions)
(The Incorporation Letter Agreement, published October 22, 2015 supersedes the Incorporation Letter Agreement published March 1, 2014 and May 5, 2015. The Additional Provisions (2014 Definitions) published October 22, 2015 supersedes the Additional Provisions (2014 Definitions) published May 5, 2015)
The Additional Provisions are for use where the settlement method is physical settlement (either as the fallback settlement method or otherwise) and either party to the Credit Derivative Transaction is restricted from holding a Loan or there is a limit on the outstanding principal balance of a Bond which it may hold. This may be the case where, for example, the protection seller is a UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) fund. The Additional Provisions provide for cash settlement rather than physical settlement to occur in these cases.