Applicant Business Profile

    For each of the financial activities below, please check all the boxes that apply to indicate where you undertake the relevant activity in the relevant asset class as a material part of your business. Note that many of these apply specifically to derivatives on an underlying, for those questions please consider only your OTC derivatives activity, not any other activity (e.g., spot or cash trading in the underlier or exchange-traded products (futures/options), unless otherwise noted).

    Activity Type

    Entering into OTC derivatives:

    Services relating to OTC derivatives:

    Other related non-OTC derivatives activity:

    ISDA Documentation or Equivalent

    Data Privacy

    1. I understand that ISDA will process only the personal data provided to it in this declaration,
    2. that personal data constitutes a special category of personal data pursuant to Article 8 of the General Data Protection Regulation, and
    3. I explicitly consent to the processing of such special personal data.